When you don't have a dedicated playroom, toy organization is a must!

As kids grow, so does their amount of stuff. We have an open floor plan and organization is key to keep all that stuff out of my field of vision. Here's what we did to solve the problem.

what we had before

A desk and bins kept it contained for awhile, until it started overflowing into the kitchen and other places.

It was time for a redo and off to Ikea we went.

We got a Kallax unit, set it up and added wood legs to it.

Then I planned out bins and labels

I used my Cricut machine and lavender vinyl to add labels to these bins.

I added wood doors and one even had a cat-faced cut out.  That was right up our alley!  They have a small finger hole to open and a magnet to keep them closed

I aIso added a couple of fabric bins for the bigger stuff.

It wouldn't be complete without an Ikea Moppe for beads and other little craft items.

and done!

R's play area is organized and all of her stuff is in one place.  This is the perfect organization idea for your open floor plan home!