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Easy DIY Wood Bead Ornaments

Learn how to make easy DIY wood bead ornaments. These are the perfect craft for your modern holiday decor or Christmas tree, and you can make them with kids too.

How to make easy DIY wood bead ornaments

If you have kids and you have ever lived through winter, you might understand the desperation of trying to entertain toddlers when it gets dark at like 4:30 PM. Not being able to go outside, especially these days when there aren’t many indoor activities open around here…it can be brutal.

Toddlers have attention spans of like, 5 minutes. But one of the things that has been keeping R’s attention for longer than 5 minutes lately is stringing beads. Which is kind of a dream to me because I love beads, and you can do it over and over again.

So one night after a long day at work, I pulled out some of the unfinished wood beads I used on the DIY wood bead garland I made last year for our live potted Christmas tree. I also pulled out some thin craft wire I used on the small fresh rosemary wreath I made a few years ago. Yep, it’s been in the craft closet for that long, not being used for anything. So I decided to make some wood bead ornaments with R.

finished DIY wood beat ornament on a tree

Here’s what I used:

  • Wood beads in circular and geometric shapes
  • Thin craft wire
  • Scissors
  • Ornament hangers

And here’s to make easy DIY wood bead ornaments!

Step 1: Cut pieces of thin craft wire

The first thing I did was use a pair of regular scissors to cut a few pieces of thin craft wire. Mine was gold, but it is pretty much covered by the wood beads, so the color doesn’t really matter. I think the wire is great for doing different shapes because if you use string or twine, it would droop.

I cut a few different lengths of craft wire so that I could make some circles, triangles, and hearts. I thought about trying a start, but I wasn’t feeling adventurous enough. The wire was also really nice for R to use. I shaped it into a U, so she had a much easier time keeping the beads on using one hand.

gold bead wire and beads on a tray
wire on a bed
stringing the bead onto the wire

Step 2: String on beads in different patterns

I strung on different beads in different sizes, shapes, and patterns. A few I didn’t love, so I just dumped them off and started over. I also used a little tray I actually made (but any tray works) to help contain the beads. If you don’t have a tray to use, put your beads on a towel so they don’t roll off the table.

stringing the bead onto the wire
geometric wood beads
stringing the bead onto the wire

Step 3: Twist of ends, snip, and add ornament hooks

Once you have the the size and patterns you like, twist off the ends together to hold the shape. Trim as necessary and add an ornament hook. Or you can just hang them on the branches of the tree. R made a few as well 🙂

twisting off the wire
cutting down the wire on the ornament
DIY wood bead ornament
DIY wood bead ornament
DIY wood bead ornament on a Christmas tree
DIY wood bead ornament on a Christmas tree
DIY wood bead ornament on a Christmas tree
DIY wood bead ornament on a Christmas tree
DIY wood bead ornament on a Christmas tree

Like these ornaments? Check out my easy paint stirrer Christmas tree ornaments, my DIY marbled clay Christmas ornaments, and my DIY Washi tape gift tags!

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